Write for Moms of Faith
Thank you. We greatly appreciate your interest in writing for Moms of Faith. This website is geared towards Christian Moms of all kinds. We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with our website, articles and publishing goals.
Our main objective is to bring glory to God and to be truly helpful for Moms, to provide information that equips our readers to make better choices and changes in their lives for the better. We like articles that have a strong point of view and come from the heart, well written, proper grammar usage and that go with the main point of the website.
We do not want argumentative, hurtful or opinionated articles of any kind. We base our content on the infallible Word of God.
Familiarize yourself with the quality of work by reading the Moms of Faith website. We are more likely to publish your article or invite you to be a regular contributor if you are a Moms of Faith reader and are familiar with the issues we discuss. Think about the subjects you know well, and those that are not already over-exposed on the site.
Moms of Faith is always looking for articles that are geared towards Mothers…including but not limited to; parenting, devotionals, cooking, tips, how to articles, reviews, homeschooling, WAHMS, and MUCH more. We currently have a very strong need for a homeschool columnist. However, we will consider any professional and well written query.
IMPORTANT things you should know BEFORE you submit a query:
- We currently do NOT have any openings for paid positions. However, if in the future, we do open that option up again, we will choose from our current columnists before searching publicly.
- ALL submissions … EVEN one time, MUST be original work written by YOU and NOT published ANYWHERE else. After 6 months, you may publish what you have written elsewhere ONLY if you put the following before the authors bio of article: “Originally Written for Moms of Faith” Moms of Faith should be an active followable link back to our HOME PAGE.
- ALL submissions must be at LEAST 400 words.
- ALL submissions must be spell checked and have proper grammar usage.
- ALL submissions must be turned in ON time.
- We consider weekly, bi-weekly and monthly columnists.
- We accept guest bloggers (click here for more info)
If you are still interested in becoming a regular contributor for Moms of Faith, click here and fill out a contributor form. Please include LINKS to articles and sites you have written for in the past.
NOTE: We reserve the write to reject any query that we do not feel fits the needs of our website for any reason we deem important.