Moms of Faith

Welcome to Moms of Faith!

Beyond the Pews: Motherhood with Grit and Grace

Challenging Church Norms. Embracing Authentic Grace.

Moms of Faith has had a complete rebrand. This isn't your grandma's Christian mom group. Here, we're shattering stereotypes and challenging the status quo. We're diving deep, questioning old norms, and getting real about the church's shortcomings. Because faith should empower, not constrain. Let's build a faith that fits our real, messy, modern lives and confront the 'cult-like' vibes head-on. Let's redefine what it means to be a Christian mom.

On the Blog...

Summer Decor Ideas: Bringing The Outside In #homedecor #decor #summer #tips

Summer Decor Ideas: Bringing The Outside In

When we moved to Indiana, I was a full blown, summer-loving, sun-adoring Texan. I visited my husband’s family while we dated, but only during the summer months where the midwest is green and vibrant, pulsing with life and humidity and gloriously supple trees. To say I felt a little bit tricked when the first piercingly…

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From Glory to Glory: Preparing My Heart for Father's Day #FathersDay

From Glory to Glory: Preparing My Heart for Father’s Day

It’s almost Father’s Day. Chad’s been a father four years now, but I can’t remember a single thing I’ve done on a father’s day to celebrate him. Which is sad. Considering every Mother’s Day we do something entirely female and my choice, like shopping and Starbucks and breakfast places that smell like lattes and cinnamon.…

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Easy Banana Bread Muffins with Streusel Topping #Recipe

Easy Banana Bread Muffins with Streusel Topping Recipe

I think every woman will agree that there are certain baked goods that are more seasonally appealing than others. Pumpkin bread in the middle of summer never sounds good. Pumpkin bread on the first day of October, when the wind carries a formidable chill and the leaves are glistening gold and yellow, however, tastes delicious.…

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Stormy Seas: A Smooth Sea Never Made a Skilled Sailor

Stormy Seas: A Smooth Sea Never Made a Skilled Sailor

I recently spent a glorious day on an island with my family. It was too cold and windy to swim or sunbathe but we enjoyed the scenery, good food and of course, the shopping. One of my favorite stores is full of wood plaques of all sizes painted with lovely, and sometimes funny, little sayings.…

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Setting our Minds on things Above #devotional #mind

Setting Our Minds on things Above

I had one of those moments today where one minute I was completely immersed in a podcast, mentally assuming glorious heights with Jesus, just to come toppling all the way back down to earth by a depressing visit to a shopping store where nothing fit correctly. Do you ever have moments like that? I am…

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Homeschool Budget Tips #homeschool #budget #tips

Homeschool Budget Tips

Too many times have I heard the phrase, “We don’t have money for curriculum.”  Honestly, there have been many times that that I have said the exact same thing.  It wasn’t because I didn’t budget.  Money was just tight!  However, we need to do what it takes to create and maintain a workable homeschool budget.…

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Mint Sweet Tea Recipe #mint #sweettea #tea #recipe

Mint Sweet Tea Recipe

If there could be a beverage to define a life, sweet tea would be mine. We didn’t move to Texas until I was 13, but every time we’d cross the Kentucky border en route to Florida, my Mom would make a beeline for any fast food chain so she could order a sweet tea. If…

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Teaching our Children to be Grateful

Teaching our Children to be Grateful

This weekend I went with my senior son on a backpacking trip in the Grand Canyon for three days. It was a wonderful to spend some quality time together, and to create an experience with him that we will both always remember. I was grateful that the death of my husband gave me that opportunity.…

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In Need of Grace

I made a mistake. By the time I realized that I had made the mistake, it was already too late. It was unintentional, a mistake pure and simple, but once the course of events was set in motion the situation was out of my hands. There is nothing much worse than messing up. Except messing…

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SwimSuit Ideas to Flatter the "Gray Zones"

SwimSuit Ideas to Flatter the “Gray Zones”

Swimsuits are a touchy subject for Christian women. How much skin is too much skin? Can you wear a bikini and still love Jesus? Should moms show stomach? So many questions. I come to you with no answers. Were we a planet of just women, or perhaps just swimming among women, I’d say be bold…

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