Welcome to Moms of Faith!
Beyond the Pews: Motherhood with Grit and Grace
Challenging Church Norms. Embracing Authentic Grace.
Moms of Faith has had a complete rebrand. This isn't your grandma's Christian mom group. Here, we're shattering stereotypes and challenging the status quo. We're diving deep, questioning old norms, and getting real about the church's shortcomings. Because faith should empower, not constrain. Let's build a faith that fits our real, messy, modern lives and confront the 'cult-like' vibes head-on. Let's redefine what it means to be a Christian mom.
On the Blog...
A “PC” Post Christmas Post!
As I wade around the Hott House this morning, the day after Christmas, I am knee deep in wrapper, ribbons, and bows. How about you? Among the post Christmas remnants, I am up to my elbows in everything from crumpled paper, dead batteries (already), Transformers and Pokemon boxes, Justice tags, to kitchenware! Somewhere in the…
Keep Reading...Reusable Cloth Menstrual Pads
Imagine how much money you could save each month/year if you used reusable cloth menstrual pads. This thought might illicit an “Eww!”, but if you’re looking for ways to be frugal and eco-friendly this is a good option to consider. Disposable pads and tampons are made from synthetic materials which mean there is nothing natural…
Keep Reading...Faith and Business 101: Simplify Your Business in the New Year
Running a small business on your own is a big task. Of course, you can outsource many of your tasks to a Virtual Assistant, but in the end, you still have those tasks to work with. When you simplify your business, you’re removing processes you can do without and that means leaving you to focus…
Keep Reading...30 Ways to Look and Feel Better
Every woman wants to be pretty and look good. True beauty comes from a clean heart and fear of the Lord. The tips below are meant to help us look better and feel better. However, if our hearts are not set towards the King, we will struggle our whole lives–searching for significance that only comes…
Keep Reading...The Nail
Gospel Reading – John 1:6-8, 26-28 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; He came only as a witness to the light.” “I baptize with water,” John replied,…
Keep Reading...Every Word
Now that I’m getting settled into a routine once again in our new/old home I’ve started attending my weekly ladies Bible study once again. I love the chance to sit down and pour over God’s word with a variety of people with extreme diverse backgrounds, spiritual maturity and levels of wisdom. Right now we’re doing…
Keep Reading...Last Minute Christmas Shopping Tips
Keep Reading...Waiting for Christmas
Anticipation. Anticipay… yay… tion! Ohhhhh, it’s making me wait! Carly Simon. What a song! Can you hear it? Wait, I’ll sing it for you again: “Anticipation, it’s keeping me waiy… yay… yay… yai-ai-ting!” (Oooops! Too loud? Here comes Dan. He’s heard enough!) But not me! I LOVE this song. Sure, I know it is not…
Keep Reading...Faith and Business 101: When a Good thing isn’t a good thing
Once you delve into the world of working from home and get a good thing going you might get to the point where you’re a little overwhelmed. Often once you’re established and successful in one company other companies might start to attract your opinion as well. If you start freelancing for one site you might…
Keep Reading...5 Shortcuts to Healthier Eating
As a busy, homeschooling, work at home Mom and wife, I find eating healthy to be difficult to manage. However, there are a few tips that I have discovered over time that certainly help! Feel free to share any of your own as well… Do you not know that your body is the temple (the…
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