Welcome to Moms of Faith!
Beyond the Pews: Motherhood with Grit and Grace
Challenging Church Norms. Embracing Authentic Grace.
Moms of Faith has had a complete rebrand. This isn't your grandma's Christian mom group. Here, we're shattering stereotypes and challenging the status quo. We're diving deep, questioning old norms, and getting real about the church's shortcomings. Because faith should empower, not constrain. Let's build a faith that fits our real, messy, modern lives and confront the 'cult-like' vibes head-on. Let's redefine what it means to be a Christian mom.
On the Blog...
Caramel Praline Delight Recipe
Today is the day to share with you one of my favorite dessert recipes from when I was a kid: Caramel Praline Delight. I looked at my calendar today and had a moment of sadness realizing that one week marked in bold capital letters reading, “VACATION TO FLORIDA” is now behind us. Growing up, family…
Keep Reading...Train up a Child…
As a young married couple contemplating the start of our family, I remember the idealistic views we had on parenting. It makes me smile and chuckle when I think how completely naive we were. In my mind I saw perfectly behaved children who were just like me, high achievers and goal setters. I wanted for…
Keep Reading...Tips to Maintain Family Prayer During Summer Months
Summer is here and school is out for the season. If your household is anything like mine there is a whole lot of rejoicing from the children and a little bit of sadness from Mom, although I do rejoice a little bit when I get to banish the dreaded sock drawer until September. I confess,…
Keep Reading...Moms of Young Girls: Meet the Princess Parables
So my daughter, like most girls her age, is undoubtedly given to the fantasy of being a princess. Truth be told, I enjoy a good fairy tale along with her. Since she was about 18 months, she’s loved stories, and especially any story about princesses. I can remember being so excited to introduce her to…
Keep Reading...Summer Sandals: 6 Styles You Will Flip Over
To say I’m obsessed with sandals is putting it moderately. I really, really, adore sandals. I hate close toed shoes for so many reasons, but mostly because of the weather they represent. Sandals represent sun and sand and shorts and wonderful heat that rises as the day stretches out long before us. But I also…
Keep Reading...Parenting the Fruit of the Spirit
One thing (of a bazillion) continually on my mind, is the fruit of the Spirit, and how I will be measured by my fruit. As a Christian parent, one of my top priorities is to have my family complete in Heaven. I want all of my children there with me one day. I therefore put…
Keep Reading...What God Has Done: Let Your Story Inspire
Whenever there is a testimony time at church I think to myself beforehand, “I don’t need to share, I don’t need to share…” You see, I know if I share, I’m going to cry. And really, who likes to cry in front of a room full of people? My throat closes up, my nose drips…
Keep Reading...5 Time Management Tips for Busy Moms
This past year has been the busiest of my 30+ years of life. I’ve always been a busy person, juggling my family, day job, church commitments, and writing goals. But I recently reached a place where the pressure was unbearable. Below is what I learned from my recent struggles with time management. These items are essential to…
Keep Reading...Teach Children the Power of Faith
Faith is a principle of action. We can read about faith and talk about faith, but until we actually put faith into ACTION we will not really UNDERSTAND and KNOW what faith can do in our lives. How can we teach children the power of faith and how to exercise it if we are not…
Keep Reading...House Cleaning Prayers are Answered Too!
Blessings can be exhausting. Recently my family has been blessed with two extra bedrooms, another bathroom and a large kitchen/dining room. What a blessing! We need the room. But the extra work that has come along with it has started to seem somewhat overwhelming. Working full-time and caring for my kids full-time as well as…
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