Top 10 Signs You are Sleep Deprived

If you are a Mom, more than likely, you have experienced sleep deprivation at various times. For me, personally, I am in the midst of one of those seasons and thought it would be fun to do a top 10 post for y’all. Top 10 Signs you are Sleep Deprived 10. You speak in half…

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25 Cents

At what age do you feel your sons are old enough to go to the men’s restroom alone?  My boys are 7 and 8 years old and let me tell you this:  I am holding my breath for the day when I can comfortably send my sons off to potty without dragging them with me…

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Commando Levi

Once again, I lose the prize for “Mother of the Year”! I just can’t believe that after four children, how I could have missed something so basic, so required, so essential!  It is almost just too embarrassing to share with you.  Like I said – almost!  :-) Yesterday was one of those action packed days…

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