The Daily – Who is your Vine Dresser?

May Christ through your faith actually dwell in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth of it; That you may really…

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The Daily – Properly Equipped

We serve  such an Awesome, Loving and Mighty God. He does so much for us every day. He sent His Son so we can live with Him in Eternity. As if all He did and does was not enough, He left us an Instruction Manual for life! Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration)…

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The Daily – If You REALLY Love Me…

If you really love Me, you will obey My commands. – John 14:15 (amplified) This is far more profound than we may realize. Obedience is how we show our love to the Lord. I may step on some toes here, but to be perfectly honest with you, if we are living in willful sin and…

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