Tuesday’s Mommy Tip – Thankfulness is Taught

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OK, on to this week’s Mommy tip

Thankfulness is Taught

This is the time of year where gifts are given. Soon, your children will be receiving gifts from friends and family. When a gift is received it is a great opportunity to teach your children to be thankful and to show thankfulness and courtesy to others. Every time they receive a gift, have them create a thank you card. Teach them that this is good manners and is kind to the gift giver. Since Christmas is right around the corner, you can wait until after Christmas and then have a “thankful day” where you create all your thank you Christmas cards. This is an AWESOME way to get their minds set on this and they will continue with this “thankful” tradition through out their lives.


  1. Krislin, Ting (S.Pike) on March 24, 2011 at 10:10 pm

    Yes, you are so right about thankfulness is being taught.. It is also about continuing to nurture it as we grow and make our choices in life..

    Here, I would like to invite to share on Tuesday Thankfulness, a new meme for Tuesday.. It is a day dedicated (in a week) to share about thankfulness.. I believed your sharing will add another touch to this week’s meme..

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