Homeschool Corner: Word Processing and Writing Achievement

When I was working on my Master’s Degree, I had to complete a field research project. Since I was a school teacher at that time, I was fortunate to be able to study my students I had that school year. The topic I chose was Word Processing. I investigated whether word processing during writing projects…

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20 Tips to get the Most out of your Wrapping paper

We are all having it tight this year. We need to find ways to save money as much as possible. One way to save money is to recycle your wrapping paper rather than tossing it. There a ton of creative ideas to reuse your old wrapping paper throughout the year. I have 20 to share…

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Speaking Louder than Before

A Review of Jeremy Camp’s new album. Album Title: Speaking Louder than Before Artist: Jeremy Camp Label: bec recordings Category: Christian/Rock/Contemporary MOF Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Intro: An inspiring and soul awakening album that is sure to remain in your CD player and ipod list for years to come! Review: I am a…

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