Chapter 2: Germania

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Atretes is straight out of one of the world’s romance novels I used to read. LOL! What a man!

A Voice in the Wind

Chapter Two: Germania

Chapter two takes us away from Hadassah’s story for a bit and into the world of Atretes. He is one strong dude….battling the Roman army with no fear!

Atretes comes from a clan of people who live primitively and worship gods, including their mighty tiwaz. His mother is a “seer,” and now, in his latest battle he loses his brother and father. Very sad.

Amazingly, however, he lives! Sure he is captured by the Roman’s…they called him the giant and wanted to have him for their own sick pleasures….the cruel gladiator games…

Still, though…he lives!

One thing that really stood out for me was on page 29. Atretes had just lost a lot of men, and his people were still claiming it a “victory.” He did not see it that way and we see him question the “gods” he was raised to worship and fear. I find this the beginning of the possibility of salvation for his soul? What do you all think?

What stood out for you in chapter two?

Soon, we will be off to Rome for chapter 3…


  1. Karen Wisenheimer on April 17, 2020 at 1:43 pm

    it was rather lovely how that one semi-lord from that one water guy fought the bad people…

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