The Story of David

The story of David is our third FREE excerpt from the Read and Share Bible. If you missed the past two downloads, click here.

I love David and I feel that I have a heart very similar to his. He was an amazing man who made huge mistakes, yet through it all he walked with God. No matter how big his blunder, he understood repentance and the significance of God’s love for him. I LOVE how the read and share Bible takes the story of David and makes it understandable for the little people in our lives. It is very important that they know God’s Word. However, sometimes it is hard to share with them in a way that they can grasp at a young age. Well, look no further, the Read and Share Bible really does make Biblical stories perfectly adapted for your children!

Just what is the Read and Share Bible? It is a kids Bible designed specifically to keep a child’s attention. Each story is short and too the point. Just enough info to keep their interest and in a format that is fun for kids. They are well written and include not only what children should know, but also adorable illustrations to keep them engaged. There are also question that Mom and Dad can ask when they are reading the stories. Engaging our kids in conversation and getting them to comprehend what they are reading/hearing is vital to them retaining what they learn.

This is NO LONGER available for instant download. However, (for a LIMITED TIME) if you would like to have this, email us and we will send you a copy.

MORE FREE downloads coming soon!

Make sure you TELL your friends!


Disclaimer: MOF received the same free downloads to give an honest review of the product. Read and Share also paid for advertising.

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