Candies Eye Wear

I have worn glasses since I was in third grade. Sadly, my parents did not care about how I felt about the style of the glasses they purchased for me, so I was never happy with them. As soon as I was able, I purchased contact lenses.

Fast forward to discovering that my oldest daughter needed to start wearing glasses, I decided to give up wearing contacts to support her in this new way of life. It can be very stressful for a kid to have to wear glasses. Other kids can be very cruel.

I also knew that she would never have to worry about the look of her glasses. I told myself, she would always have a pair that made her feel good about herself–no matter what!!

Unfortunately, prescription eye wear, for the most part, is WAY overpriced!

Then, after much searching, I discovered, Candies!

Candies Eye Wear is FABULOUS! Not only are they affordable and “brand name”, they are also very fashionable and attractive. They come in so many different styles. The pair I am featuring in the picture is my current style. I love them! They are the Jasmine in BlkGry. They are awesome. Comfy. Pretty. Most importantly: AFFORDABLE!

Candies Eye Wear is what we have purchased for the past three trips to the eye doctor. With another trip coming up later this month, I can only assume we will remain faithful to this very stylish brand that caters to the frugal minded!


  1. Heather @ The Homeschool Planner on June 6, 2011 at 5:58 pm

    LOVE Candies eyewear! My glasses are that brand name. My oldest loves the Converse glasses which are also pretty affordable. :)

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