The Grandparents’ Handbook

Review: The Grandparents’ Handbook is a very enjoyable and informative read for any grandparent who wants to have some fun with their grandchildren. Not only does it have fun ideas on what to do with your toddler grandchildren, but it also gives you a “refresher course” on how to deal with and handle little babies. I am sure the memories of, for example, how to calm a crying baby, how to change a diaper or even the good old nursery rhymes will come rushing back. Or how about top tips to make bath time fun for little guys? Safety tips to make grandparents’ house a safe place for little people or even time-out strategies.

A lot of today’s grandparents are young at heart and want to enjoy their grandchildren. I really like the varied activities that this book has to offer to this new generation of grandparents: There is a great section on indoor and outdoor fun and games, such as play pirate for a day, planning a scavenger hunt or for the older child, hold a mock election.

The Craft and Cooking section of the book has some interesting ideas: I like the activity of creating a family fun box, or how about baking an Easy-as-Pie Apple Crumb Pie, or sewing a crazy family quilt?

Final Thoughts: Overall, this book is a must-have resource for all grandparents. There are plenty of activities and ideas that will bring fun and enjoyment for both the grandparents as well as the grandchildren – a recipe for lots of shared memories.


  1. Jane Kurts on January 10, 2012 at 4:07 pm

    I also read a very useful and practical book called “Discipline in Love” by Melvin Claudio.
    Moms of Faith was great reading! I was inspired
    Thank, JK

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