How to Prevent and Deal with Toddler Tantrums

Is it terrible twos or terrible threes? Either way toddler tantrums are ear-splitting or headache inducing for any parent who has lost all patience or is it control of their child? It’s not so simple being a toddler. Sometimes they want to be the baby and sometimes they seek and demand for independence. Life as…

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A “PC” Post Christmas Post!

As I wade around the Hott House this morning, the day after Christmas, I am knee deep in wrapper, ribbons, and bows.  How about you?  Among the post Christmas remnants, I am up to my elbows in everything from crumpled paper, dead batteries (already), Transformers and Pokemon boxes, Justice tags, to kitchenware!  Somewhere in the…

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Reusable Cloth Menstrual Pads

Imagine how much money you could save each month/year if you used reusable cloth menstrual pads. This thought might illicit an “Eww!”, but if you’re looking for ways to be frugal and eco-friendly this is a good option to consider. Disposable pads and tampons are made from synthetic materials which mean there is nothing natural…

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