My Sin Story…
I wanted to share a very personal story with you from my other blog…
I anguished over writing this post. I was afraid of being judged, losing readers or even worse–causing a sister to stumble. Once I came to terms with the fact that God was not going to stop nagging me to write it, I had to decide WHERE to put the post. Should I put it here, on Moms of Faith, or my personal blog…
After much thought, I decided here was the best fit. Why? Because my sin and disobedience directly affect how I influence my husband. It reflects my help meet status as well. I mean how can I be any help to my husband, if I choose to walk in disobedience??
Please understand that what I am about to share with you is very personal, and it is the one thing in my life that I have refused to lay down–even though I KNOW God wanted me to. I joke and say God nags me, and He does…LOL! However, I am ohhhhh so grateful that He does not give up on my thick head! Click Here to keep reading…