Christmas Gift Ideas for Under $5

Christmas does not have to break the bank! Actually, it should NEVER become a financial burden. I think it gets out of hand, and many times we lose our minds and spend too much! Over the years I have had to learn to be VERY creative!

So far we have talked about: Christmas Gift Ideas for Under $20, Christmas Gift Ideas for Under $10, and now, we will shock you and share some fabulous Christmas gift ideas for UNDER five bucks… (or at least right at $5)! Yay!

 Christmas Gift Ideas for Under $5

Christmas Gift Ideas for Under $5

Ebooks. A lot of people are reading ebooks these days, and there are MANY for under $5. Most of mine are priced UNDER a BUCK! This is a great gift idea for the reader in your life. You can give music and apps as well.

Go to the Dollar Store. (Or my personal favorite, the Target dollar section) I know this sounds crazy, however, things were so incredibly tight for us one year, that we literally ONLY had $15 dollars to spend on Christmas. Period. So, each of us got $5 to spend at the dollar store on each other. It was the BEST Christmas we have had to date. The torch lighter my husband got me that year is my favorite all time gift and it works FAR better than the more pricy one we received years later! Plus, you really CAN find very cool things at the dollar store!

Picture Perfect. Buy (or make) an inexpensive frame and give a picture! This is a GREAT gift for grandparents, overseas family members, etc.

Recipe in a Jar/Bag/Or disposable container. Do you have a yummy cookie recipe that people love? Put all the dry ingredients in a pretty bag/jar with a recipe card of what else they need and how to make it! Since you are ONLY putting in the dry ingredients, the price will be very low! You can also get creative with the recipe card and just use stuff from around your house.

Gift Card. Sure, it’s only $5… but money is money! I can get a yummylicious cup of coffee at Starbucks with a $5 gift card from there, and would be thrilled! ;)

Your Time. What are you good at?? Share it, and it will cost you zero dollars… just some of your time! Perhaps you are great at organizing? Offer your organizing skills to a friend for an afternoon. Awesome gift! Other ideas: cooking, hair, mani/pedi, cleaning, scrap-booking, etc.

Homemade Gifts. If you knit, make some potholders or something. I have a friend who gave me homemade pot holders and washcloths one year. I LOVE them and cherish that she made them herself! Use your talents!

More Christmas Gift Ideas for Less than $5:

  • Mini sewing kit.
  • Bookmark.
  • Candy.
  • Cute Fuzzy Socks.
  • Flower seeds and a small pot.
  • Coffee Mug.
  • Soap.
  • Handmade Cards with personal and special messages to let your friends know how much you care.
  • Hair Accessories.
  • Mini Calendar (I find adorable ones in the Target dollar section).
  • Refrigerator Magnets.
  • Sample size bath & body stuff.
  • Key Chain.

Now it’s your turn. What other gifts not on this list can you think of for under $5?

For MANY more frugal Christmas ideas, grab a copy of my 245+ Christmas Tips for Frugal Moms book for the affordable price of UNDER a buck! ;)

Copyright © Lara Velez, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Kelly Blackwell on December 16, 2012 at 12:40 am

    I make a lot of gifts like bath salts, and this year I made my first duct tape wallet. You can make quite a few on one roll even when you aren’t crafty like me :) When it comes to buying inexpensive items, I have made some great tiny gift baskets with the use of patience & Goodwill shopping. I have filled inexpensive jars with homemade bath salts from epsom salts and lavender essential oil, and I have made some great sugar scrubs too jar up as well.

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