40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation: Day 1

If you live  in the United States of America, then you are more than aware of the political turmoil that has been happening in our country for awhile now. Hey, even if you are NOT in the USA, I am pretty certain you are up to speed on the discord in Washington. Well, it is time to stand in UNITY as the Body of Christ, and pray. Stop complaining, accusing, and spewing out negative words… and PRAY.

No “party agenda”.

No hidden motives.

Just an opportunity for us to come together as ONE unified Body, and seriously seek God’s face in prayer.

For the next 40 days we will pray for our nation, government, leaders, and our direction as a country. The goal is to pray His Word, His will, and His blessings over all of us. To plead for forgiveness and mercy over this great country. To pray for our leaders, their families, our choices as a nation, and for peace to reign in the hearts of our land. And, anything else that the Holy Spirit prompts us to pray for.

I have a few requests before we begin…

I would ask that you grab a button (scroll down for choices), and place it on your site, if you have one, and link it to the main page of this 40 day prayer journey.

I would ask that you share and promote this endeavor in any and all ways that you are able to.

I would ask that you post your own prayers below as you feel led. HOWEVER, bashing a political party, person, etc., will NOT be tolerated. This is a call for us to UNIFY in prayer for GOD’s will and for GOD to move. We need to keep our flesh in check!

OK, let us begin with today: day one.

Let’s pray:

Father God, You are awesome and mighty. You are the Creator of the heavens and the earth. You are our Redeemer, Healer, Provider, Daddy, Covering, Strong Tower, Mighty Rushing Wind, and the lover of our tired souls. We humbly come before You, and ask that during these 40 days of prayer, that You hear our cries and heal our land. We ask You to forgive us for allowing things that are less than Your best for our country. We ask You to forgive us for being apathetic, and not waging war against the forces of evil! We ask that You open our hearts to Your Truth and show us how it should be in this land. We ask that each day of prayer be blessed, and that You send Your angels to intervene on our behalf, as we raise this remnant of prayer up in these dark days. We pray a hedge of protection over each of us and for You to give us strength to persevere! Thank You, Lord.

Father, I also want to ask that You help our government in these hard days. I know that You are not surprised by the shutdown or the name calling, blaming, bickering, and division going on right now. I know that YOU alone reign on high, and that You are the King of kings, and Lord of lords, and that nothing is beyond Your reach, saving, or ability to move mightily! I beg You… WE beg You to move like You have never moved before. Open the eyes of Your people, this nation, and its leaders! We beg You to move across this great land and heal it, and make it all that YOU desire it to be!

Thank You, Lord. Thank You that we can come boldly before Your throne and that You are ever ready to hear our petitions. Thank You, Lord for Your great love for each and every person on this planet! Thank You, for Your goodness, and a powerful move that we know and believe is coming as we rise up in repentance, prayer, and earnestly seek Your face! In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. – 2 Chronicles 7:14

Please don’t forget to share your prayers below, and to grab a promotional images as well!

Some hash tag ideas…


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  1. Kathy on September 26, 2020 at 2:56 am

    Please Father have all Americans come together and turn to you for guidance. Help us all to remember what our country was founded on. Rid our country of those who do NOT love America. We come to you today in prayer so we can return to the God loving, blessed nation we once were. Please forgive us for turning against you by not obeying your laws. In Jesus name I pray.

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