40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation: Day 9
If you are just visiting, we are on day nine of a 40 day prayer journey for our nation! We are unified and seeking a move of God! Please visit this page for more information about this 40 days of prayer, AND to grab some promotional images, hash tag ideas, etc., to help us promote this event, and tear down the gates of hell!
Let’s pray:
Father, God, thank You for a new day, clean air to fill our lungs, food on the table, a roof over our heads, internet service, modern plumbing systems, a car to drive, a phone, our television, books, and all the many, many things we are blessed with in this great nation. Thank You that we live in a country where we can read our Bibles and worship You without fear of death. Help us to never take this for granted! We also ask that You never let that fragile right be taken away from us!
Lord, today we want to plead for every state in the Eastern Standard Time Zone. Lord, we pray for every leader in every domain that is in this area. We pray for wisdom, protection, and courage to fall over each and every person in a position of leadership. For those who do not know You, Lord, we ask that You reveal Yourself to them, and show them what an awesome, wonderful, and mighty God that You are. We humbly ask that You also protect their family and loved ones. We ask that You bless each leader physically, spiritually, financially, and relationally.
Thank You, Daddy God. Thank You for loving us and hearing us. Thank You for knowing us each intimately, and caring for us so deeply and profoundly. There is no other god but YOU! You are everything to me. I love You and pray that each person participating in these prayers each day would come to know You better and better. You, alone, hold the moon in its place and, You alone hold the Universe in its perfect balance. You alone, are worthy of all glory, honor, and praise. You alone, are Holy! Holy is Your Name, oh, Mighty King of kings! I … WE adore You! IN Jesus Mighty and Redeeming Name, amen.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7