40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation: Day 23
If you are just visiting, we are on day twenty-three of a 40 day prayer journey for our nation! We are unified and seeking a move of God! Please visit this page for more information about this 40 days of prayer, AND to grab some promotional images, hash tag ideas, etc., to help us promote this event, and tear down the gates of hell!
Let’s pray:
Father, God, thank You for Your mercy, forgiveness, love, compassion, love, provision, protection, and for saving me! We love You so very much, Lord. You are worthy of all that we have to give!
Lord, we humbly come before you and plead for all of the Judges every state in the Alaska, Hawaii, and all other places in United States of America’s judicial dominion not mentioned previously. We ask that You send Your angels to protect them, and their families today–and every day. We ask that You bless each of them, and that You help them to make wise laws and decisions for this country. Where laws have been made that are not Your will, we ask that You begin to change their hearts, so that they can make real, godly changes where our judicial system is concerned. Where there are wrong motives, and wrong decisions being made, Lord,we ask that You pierce their hearts, and cause right things to be done, and right laws to be passed. Father God, we beg You to intervene, and help our judicial leaders to make the right choices for the United States of America. We thank You for hearing our prayer, Lord.
Thank You, Lord. Thank You that we can come boldly before Your throne and that You are ever ready to hear our petitions. Thank You, for Your goodness, in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.
The Lord is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all His creation. – Psalm 145:9