15 Ways to Exercise with a Busy Mom Schedule

Incorporating exercise into an already busy mom schedule is tough for many. For some, it’s just not a priority, but in essence, it should be. I know what it is like to be a busy mom with a to-do list that never seems to be completely checked off at the end of each day! I am busy with homeschooling, writing, being a housewife, working, laundry, and all the other many tasks we moms have on a daily basis!

However, we cannot make busyness the priority over our health and stress levels. We must have balance and make small changes to incorporate exercise, non stressful activities, and down time–or we will burn out!

15 easy ways for busy moms to implement exercise into their schedule:

1. Exercise first thing in the morning before anyone is up. Think of this as your alone time to free your mind and body of distractions and unnecessary clutter. Exercising in the morning will give you the extra boost of energy to help you through the day.

2. Wear ankle weights and wrist weights when you’re working around the house or walking outside. Who cares what people think? At least you’re taking care of your health. Adding these extra weights will give you a workout without actually working out.

3. If you can–go to the gym 3 times a week. Going to the gym daily might be too much, and you may feel it’s more like a chore. If you’re super busy, going every other day is fine; and plus, your body needs to recover.

4. Walk as much as possible. If it’s feasible to walk from point A to point B without a car, then do it. If you have young kids, put them in the stroller or a wagon and off you go.

5. Play with your kids outside in your yard. Kids have a lot of energy and it needs to be released. Play with them outside even in colder weather. Bundle up and have fun; it’ll be good for everyone. When outside is not doable, find ways to have some kind of physical activity with them indoors.

6. Utilize the playground with your kids. Don’t be a spectator. Climb the monkey bars, do chin ups on the bar, jump, skip, hop, and run with your kids. In other words, be a kid and be their playmate.

7. Schedule time each week with a friend to play tennis, swim, Zumba, etc. It’s more fun with a friend.

8. Since you’re a great multi-tasking mom, you can exercise while watching TV. You can do leg lifts, squats, sit ups, and so forth.

9. When you’re out, avoid escalators and elevators. Use the stairs instead.

10. Declutter your house, one room at a time – lifting, twisting, bending, carrying or moving heavy items will be sure to give you a workout. Just be careful you don’t put your back out. It is always important to lift correctly!

11. Don’t stand still. Move anyway you can when you’re at the checkout, waiting to cross the street, waiting at the bus stop, etc.

12. Commit to working out by creating a schedule and routine. When your child goes down for a nap, early mornings, and so forth. You can break down your time into two 30 minute increments at different times.

13. If you have stairs in your home, set time aside to go up and down the stairs.

14. When you plan fun activities with your family, find a sport or something to incorporate fitness everyone can do and will enjoy.

15. Find a free or paid fitness app for your smartphone. There are many that you can find suitable for your specific needs. MyMapRun is a great one to help you track how many calories you burn on a run, walk, etc. Also, you can download a calorie counter such as My Fitness Pal to keep track of your diet as well.

Copyright © Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved

15 Ways to Exercise with a Busy Mom Schedule


  1. Donna on March 4, 2014 at 12:09 pm

    I really do need to stop making excuses and get my butt moving. thanks for the ideas/tips!

  2. Leah on March 4, 2014 at 12:29 pm

    These are great tips! I always try to park far from a store to walk in. well unless it’s raining…then I find the closest spot!

  3. Jenn on March 4, 2014 at 2:48 pm

    These are such doable tips! Thanks!

  4. Kira on March 4, 2014 at 2:50 pm

    I can definitely use some of these. My excuse is always, I have no time but with these tips, I will be a size 2 in no time. Thanks :)

  5. Michelle on March 4, 2014 at 4:28 pm

    Great tips! I definitely have to get exercise done first thing or I let other excuses pop up.

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