Making Lists are Key to an Organized Life

Making Lists are Key to an Organized Life #organize #tips #mof

A few years ago, I relied on my memory to get me through each day. As I have gotten older, I have a lot more responsibilities and tasks that need to get done daily, weekly, and monthly. With these added tasks, it did not take long before my “forgetfulness” wore me thin, and I sought…

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God Created Family

God Created Family #family #moms #MOF

At church, my job is to teach the children music in Sunday school. The chorus of a new song that I am teaching goes like this: “God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be. This is how He shows His love, for the family is of God.” This is…

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Take a Rest!

“I have so much to do today, I think I’ll take a nap.” As a single, full-time mom who is also self-employed, I’m not going to deny it, there is a lot on my plate. Over the years I have become an expert at getting it done. Laundry for tomorrow, cupcakes for a birthday celebration…

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