40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation: Day 12
If you are just visiting, we are on day twelve of a 40 day prayer journey for our nation! We are unified and seeking a move of God! Please visit this page for more information about this 40 days of prayer, AND to grab some promotional images, hash tag ideas, etc., to help us promote this event, and tear down the gates of hell!
Let’s pray:
Father, God, thank You for another day on planet earth. Thank You for my health, a full belly, family, friends, and my children. You are generous and merciful to me. I am so thankful for Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness every day. You are awesome, mighty, powerful, loving, kind, full of grace, just, and my safe place in times of trouble! We are all so thankful for all that You are to each of us!
Lord, today we want to plead for every state in the Pacific Standard Time Zone. Lord, we pray for every leader in every domain that is in this area. We pray for wisdom, protection, and courage to fall over each and every person in a position of leadership. For those who do not know You, Lord, we ask that You reveal Yourself to them, and show them what an awesome, wonderful, and mighty God that You are. We humbly ask that You also protect their family and loved ones. We ask that You bless each leader physically, spiritually, financially, and relationally.
Thank You, for hearing our prayers, and moving on our behalf in this country! In Jesus’ Mighty Name, amen.
So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. – Hebrews 4:16