Black and Gold: My Favorite Fashion Color Combo

Who doesn’t love a good color combo? Perhaps the most popular color to pair with every other color is gray: gray and yellow, gray and teal, gray and pink, gray and blue. In fact, I’m beginning to think the whole gray phase must be coming to an end. It will resurface, I’m sure, just like every other trend does. But for now I’ve found myself digging a new color combination: black and gold.

Can just pause and moment and reflect on how feminine, how elegant, and how dramatic a black and gold combination is? I’ve been seeing this trend everywhere lately, and I thought I’d make a collection of some of my favorite items that are as diverse as the color combination world can reach. Home decor, clothing, accessories, shoes, you name it. Fashion is more than just what hangs in your closet, and I love seeing this color combo pop up all over. Maybe my list will get you started on noticing your own attraction to certain color combinations too, or at least introduce you to this darling pair.

A few of my Black and Gold Fashion Picks

Phone Cover: I’ve already detailed once for all of you readers how revolutionizing an Iphone was for me. But I have yet to purchase a case. (Which is why my screen is shattered in one spot already.) I thought we’d depart from the aforementioned expensive chandelier to a lighter item. I love this Kate Spade “Kick Up Your Heels” phone case in black and gold. I don’t wear heels because running has actually ruined my feet for any kind of heel, but I’d still buy this phone case. It’s less than $20 bucks and its just plain fun.

Kate Spade "Kick Up Your Heels" phone case in black and gold #fashion #blackandgold #phonecase

Purse: I’m super practical with my purse options: they must be big enough to carry diapers, wipes, sippy cups, wardrobe options for little people emergencies, magazines, my Bible and journal, and snack options enough to feed an army. With that said, I can’t be lugging something around one shoulder and carrying a baby with my free arm. Especially since my baby is as solid as an oak, weighing in at 33 pounds at only 18 months old. So I’m crazy about this Violet Ray Arrow Top Satchel, which can be worn as a cross-body bag. It’s mostly black (which is key when you drag your purse everywhere and risk it falling on dirty bathroom floors as you help potty-training toddlers). But it has enough gold to satiate my new color combo itch.

Violet Ray Arrow Top Satchel #fashion #blackandgold #purse

Verse Print: I found out about NaptimeDiaries a few months ago, and I love all their work! It’s a husband and wife team who make verse into creative art pieces for homes. I found one that I love in the black and gold color combo, and I think it’s a steal no matter which piece you choose! This one is from Ephesians 4:2, which is one of my favorites. Check out her other pieces if this one doesn’t suit you!

NaptimeDiaries #blackandgold #print

Sandals: I love Dolce Vita shoes, and these sandals are a win. I love the little miniature heel, the thong sandal strap and the glam of gold. I just can’t resist a good sandal, and this one is adorable.

black gold dolce vita sandal #fashion #blackandgold #sandals

Watch: Michael Kors knows how to make watches. I asked my husband for one of the large faced gold watches for Christmas one year, and he got me a square-faced watch. I guess it was a good thing, because I probably would have really doted on that little watch too much. But I do love this black and gold one, especially since it has a more casual, less ritzy feel than its sister watch in solid gold. I’m sure it still costs a pretty penny, but a good watch is an investment piece, or so I tell my husband.

Michael Kors Black and Gold Watch #fashion #blackandgold #watch

So, you’ve heard mine. What’s your favorite color combo? Is it black and gold like mine? How do you incorporate into your wardrobe, home or everyday life? I’d love to know!

Copyright © Charis Freije, Moms of Faith®, All Rights Reserved



  1. Kathy on January 17, 2015 at 2:19 pm

    I LOVE that black and gold combo; especially the cell phone case! Where could I get one like that? I’d love to have one!

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