Posts by Chere Williams
On the Road to Christian Maturity
Do people know that you’re a Christian? Is there a light shining within that makes it unmistakable that you are a child of God? Anyone can declare themselves a Christian, it is easy to talk the talk, but walking the walk is not for the faint hearted. Being a follower of God requires courage, strength,…
Keep Reading...No Stinking Thinking
A wise gentleman once said to me, “You won’t get anywhere in life if you are stinking thinking.” Years later I realized how profound his statement was. Stinking thinking are thoughts that hinder us from achieving our dreams and halts the progress of our maturation as Christians. Once you open the door to the toxicity…
Keep Reading...Abstinence is Not a Bad Word
Our body is a temple created to honor God. The Bible clearly states that we should abstain from everything that’s immoral including sexual immorality. As Christian parents we have a responsibility to educate our children on the Biblical principals put forth by God. The debate on whether sex education should be taught in school is…
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