We Must Stop the Sexualization of our Little Girls

“Mom, that isn’t sexy,” whined the six year old girl standing near me in the children’s clothing department of a well known retailer’s store. Did this adorable six year old with pony tails, just say the word sexy? Yes, to my unfortunate surprise the word sexy came out of her mouth about a very mini…

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Make Cooking for The Week Run Smoother

One of the most difficult aspects of my week is coming home after a long day at work and cooking dinner. Don’t misunderstand, I actually like to cook and to provide my daughter and myself with healthy nutritious meals, but after 7.5 hours at work, a twenty minute ride home on the subway, it is…

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Taking Time to Do Your Job…As Mom

Life is busy! It is easy to get caught up in the craziness of the day. We can get so tied up in checking off tasks on our to do lists and getting dinner on the table at exactly 6:00pm that we can forget what matters most. Children grow up in a blink of an…

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