Get Financially Organized in 2010

One lesson the economy has taught us is the importance of keeping our finances in top shape. It is easy to forget to pay the cable bill when it is hidden under a stack of junk mail on the kitchen counter. A good credit rating is an increasingly important factor in today’s financial world. Those…

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Creating Family New Year Resolutions

Hopefully everyone had a wonderful and safe New Years! This year I rang in 2010 with my whole family, a true blessing since we live in different states. My parents and brother were able to come for Christmas and I went to their house to spend the week after Christmas. It was wonderful to visit…

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Ring in the New Year with Family and Friends

It is unbelievable that 2009 is over and a new year is approaching. Personally, 2009 was a good year for me, but I am looking forward to ringing in 2010 with my daughter. Since I have had my daughter, I can’t imagine spending New Years any other way than with her. This year I am…

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