Don’t be Afraid to Be a Real Mom

I’ve heard from many different people how much I seem to “have it all together”. Thanks to my use of scheduling my time I am, for the most part, able to stay on top of–or at least have a good handle on–many areas in my life. Both hubby and I are the kinds of people…

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Faith and Business 101: The Power of Brainstorming and Networking

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. – Proverbs 27:17 If I was asked to give anyone one tip on working from home it would be this–network, network, network! I can’t stress how important and valuable surrounding yourself with like-minded women is! Both work from home jobs that I now have…

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Hiding behind the post

The warm days of spring are finally coming here in the greater Boston area. Everyone is emerging from their winter domains and enjoying the cool breeze, the warm sun, and the fresh smell. Children especially seem to relish being able to go “free” after being cooped up for so long. The other day I saw…

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