Faith and Business 101: Down in the Slumps

What do you do when you are “down in the slumps?” You know…when you seem to be doing everything right…but the phone still doesn’t ring? When you have worked yourself to the bone…but nothing seems to be going right in your life or business? This happens to all of us in the course of a healthy business. It happens in our spiritual life, too. In my own life, I believe God has allowed these dry times in business and life to grow me as a person…and grow my faith and trust in Christ. It has also been a time to affirm my calling. During the driest time of all…I sought the Lord. Let me tell you, it was a long, dry spell! I had a slump for about 3 years in my life where I wasn’t sure what God wanted me to do.

We’ve all heard these verses many times, but during my slump, these words gave me hope:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13

I truly sought the Lord with all of my heart. My desire was to use my gifts and talents to please the Lord and I was begging Him to give me a new dream. One that would fulfill me as a person and allow me to stay home with my family. And you know what? He did! It didn’t happen right away. And in fact, it took a lot of people along the way helping me to see what I could do with God’s help.

The awesome thing about having a dream and knowing your calling is that when you are “down in the slumps” and things aren’t going well, your dream keeps you going! Now, whenever the phone doesn’t ring or the e-mail I’m waiting for never comes back…I keep on pressing on! Why? Because I’m passionate about what I do and I won’t stop until the Lord says it’s time. What is your dream? What are you called to do? What is standing in the way of becoming all that God has planned for you?

Here’s your Faith and Business 101 assignment for this week: Get alone with God. Seek Him and you will find Him! God promises us that! Are you in a slump? What is God trying to tell you? Spend some time writing out your dreams and passions and laying them before the Lord. Remember, it might take some time, but God has plans to give you hope and a future! “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Until next time…


Copyright © MariLee Parrish, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved

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