Time Flies, Use it Wisely

Time Flies, Use it Wisely #time

As I was cleaning up my office earlier today I came across a paper with my Red Cross Certificate of Completion card printed on it. Has it already been a week since I took that First Aid course? Had the six days between last Saturday and today actually passed that quickly? How is it possible…

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Let Nothing Be Wasted

“Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” - John 6:12 #inspirational #MOF

I may actually be the biggest sap in the whole world. If I see someone crying across the room, I tear up; I don’t even have to know them, or why they’re upset. If you ever need someone to cry with you, I am your woman. My tears are on constant standby. In general, I’m…

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I Want My Children to Be Kind

I desire for my children to be kind. They know this. We talk about it and I pray it for them. Honestly, the report I most enjoy hearing from school about my girls is that they are kind to others, helpful in class and protective of each other. This gives me greater pleasure than straight…

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