Back to School
21 Back to School Sandwich Ideas
Back to school lunches do not have to be boring–especially when it comes to sandwiches. There are many ways to make a sandwich that your child will look forward to eating. Add in some special treats that are nutritious with your child’s lunch and you’ll have a very happy and satisfied child. These ideas are…
Keep Reading...5 Quick and Healthy Back to School Breakfast Ideas
Whether you homeschool or send your kids off to school, breakfast is and always will be the most important meal of the day. How can a busy, over-scheduled Mom make something that is healthy, tastes good and can be done with minimal effort? Simple. Try any or all of the 5 ideas below! 5 Quick…
Keep Reading...Easy Back to School Lunch and Snack Ideas
It can be a huge challenge to pack lunches for your kids that are not only healthy, but that you are confident they will eat! I have compiled a list of ideas to help my fellow Moms create healthy and appealing school lunches for their precious children! :) Healthy Back to School Lunches that Your…
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