Why Should I Be The One To Change?
How many times have we, as wives, said these words when struggling with dissension in our marriage? I know I have. There was a time in my marriage, okay, well probably more like a decade, when I saw nothing but the faults of my spouse in every conflict. It’s amazing; really, that I could see…
Keep Reading...Simple Steps for Finding Lost Pets
It can be so heart-wrenching to find out your best furry friend is lost, and sometimes it’s hard to think clearly about what to do. Lists with clear directives can help. Here are some simple steps you can take when you find out your pet is missing. 1. Remember the nooks and crannies Before you…
Keep Reading...Marriage Takes Three
We’ve all heard the adage, “marriage takes three.” Three of what is the question. Does it mean that some days in marriage we need three aspirin to survive? Is it a reminder of the most important three-word phrases in our relationship – “I love you” and “I am sorry”? Or does it imply that it…
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