Fun and Easy Crafts for Toddlers

Getting a toddler to sit still can be a near-impossible feat. They’re constantly exploring the world around them. That’s a good thing, but sometimes they need some creative downtime. That’s where toddler crafts come in. Crafts are great for toddlers for a number of reasons. It can help them develop longer attention spans. Most crafts…

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Do You Love Moms of Faith?

Well, if you do and you want to share your love for MOF with others, then you could WIN! I thought it would be fun to have a contest to see who loves MOF the most! LOL! What better prize than a $50 gift card to your choice of Target OR Walmart. You can use…

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The Path to Release

It hit me like a ton of bricks. Sitting there in Basic Training, listening to our pastor talk about mercy and forgiveness, I saw that for ten years, I had failed to realize how deeply I was hurting. How my heart was rock hard to the core over things that no longer matter. How I…

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