Earth Day
Earth day is this week (4/22/10). How should Christians respond to Earth day? First, I think we need to keep it all in perspective. Yes, we are to be good stewards of the planet. However, we are not to be earth “worshipers.” The earth is just another thing in our lives that God wants us…
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One of the first questions I usually receive from people who are just starting out on Facebook is, “should I have a group or a fan page to promote my business?” The answer is: FAN PAGE! The bottom line is that a fan page is indexed by Google and a group is not! I actually…
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Let’s face it, Motherhood is the most stressful job in the world. As Christian Moms, the task can be even more tedious as we strive to tech them moral values, to love and seek Daddy God, and how to walk in love in a world filled with sin, selfishness and hate. As Moms, we pour…
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