Easy Portion Control

When it comes to losing weight your ultimate success will often depend on portion control. You’re better off eating moderate portions of all different types of foods including a few treats here and there than piling your plate up with apparently healthy options. Many of us don’t even know what an adequate portion size should…

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Anti Aging Tips for Women

Throughout time, there has been a persistent myth about the fountain of youth. We all know that there’s no spring in Florida that will keep us young forever. Yet, we still chase after pills, creams, and anything else that will make us feel younger or live longer. Nothing can help us be ten years younger.…

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Acne & Diet

I remember as a teenager going to the dermatologist for help with my acne. My mother was always telling me to cut back on chocolate and sugary foods so she mentioned this to the dermatologist. Strangely enough my dermatologist disagreed and said that diet isn’t linked to acne. I’m not so sure this is true.…

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