How to Prevent and Deal with Toddler Tantrums

Is it terrible twos or terrible threes? Either way toddler tantrums are ear-splitting or headache inducing for any parent who has lost all patience or is it control of their child? It’s not so simple being a toddler. Sometimes they want to be the baby and sometimes they seek and demand for independence. Life as…

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Potty Training Tips

Your toddler is growing up right before your eyes. They are graduating from diapers to underwear! This is a thrilling and often frustrating time for parents, but don’t worry, the good news is that they will master potty training because they can’t stay in diapers forever. Whew! Before you can begin the training process, you…

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3 Healthy Snack Ideas for Toddlers

Toddlers have little tummies, so it’s no wonder they want to eat small meals or snacks throughout the day. These three healthy toddler snacking ideas may help you get your toddler to eat more than chips or fruit snacks. Try them out on your toddler and see what they think of them! 3 Healthy Snack…

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