How to Have a Fruitful Business

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. – Gal 5:22-23 NIV

In order to have a fruitful business you need to have a fruit filled one! As Christians we are not only responsible to our jobs and ourselves in our conduct—but to God as well! Because of this everyone, especially non believers, pay very close attention to our attitudes and actions, especially when it comes to business! Are you exemplifying the above qualities on a day to day basis in your life and job?

This week and next we’ll be discussing each of them and how you should be incorporating them as a part of your business.

Love – Do you love your job, your employees, your co-workers, your clients? If your answer is no then why don’t you? Love is listed first and is should be such a huge part of the Christian life. If you have a genuine concern for everyone you come in contact with it will make the rest of this list—and your life—so much easier!

Joy – I’ve often heard that joy is not based on circumstances or feelings (that’s happiness) but a continual attitude that each Christian should have. Do you have joy? Is your joy spilling over to your business? Would your colleagues describe you as a joyful person? With everything that Christ has done for us we should be continually joyful!

Peace – Are you at peace in the job you’re doing or the business you’re running? Do you feel that it is God’s will for your life, that it is what He is calling you to be doing at this moment? You are never going to be successful if you are continually second guessing yourself-or even worse going against what you know you should be doing or continuing in something you should not be.

Kindness – These days in many businesses it’s a cutthroat corporate ladder all the way to the top and the only way to get ahead is to trample all over your competitors. What I love about the Christian (& sometimes even secular) small business community is I constantly see businesses—even ones that sell the same types of products or services—continually helping out each other, talking about and promoting each other, and just being an encouragement to each other. Kindness—not only is a fruit of the spirit but “what goes around comes around” and even though it might seem strange to others, promoting other businesses and even competitors will gain you a more loyal client base yourself!

Try implementing each of these 4 fruits into your business and watch how much God will bless you and how much your business will grow!

Written By Nicole Elliott: Nicole is the administative assistant for CMB Resource and Mommy Bag Marketing, Inc. She also owns She is filling in as the guest columnist for Faith & Business 101 in the month of August while MariLee is on vacation.


  1. Baby Pickel on September 4, 2010 at 2:57 pm

    What a wonderful post. Coming from a Christian business, what an inspiring read!! I am passing this along to the others I work with!! Thank you!

  2. Petula on September 24, 2010 at 6:28 pm

    Fabulous post. I’m happy I’ve clicked around following you from Giveaway Blogs.

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