Moms of Faith

Welcome to Moms of Faith!

Beyond the Pews: Motherhood with Grit and Grace

Challenging Church Norms. Embracing Authentic Grace.

Moms of Faith has had a complete rebrand. This isn't your grandma's Christian mom group. Here, we're shattering stereotypes and challenging the status quo. We're diving deep, questioning old norms, and getting real about the church's shortcomings. Because faith should empower, not constrain. Let's build a faith that fits our real, messy, modern lives and confront the 'cult-like' vibes head-on. Let's redefine what it means to be a Christian mom.

On the Blog...

Do You Love Moms of Faith?

Well, if you do and you want to share your love for MOF with others, then you could WIN! I thought it would be fun to have a contest to see who loves MOF the most! LOL! What better prize than a $50 gift card to your choice of Target OR Walmart. You can use…

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Do’s and Don’ts For Marketing Your Online Business

Five Things To Do When Marketing Your Online Business Set up a Facebook account and use it to connect with friends, clients and potential clients. Be personable. Be Real. Comment on friends’ posts. Join Facebook groups and fan pages that you are actually interested in. Make new friends inside those groups by responding to their…

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Does God Exist??

I sure hope that YOU, the reader, do not ever have to even begin to ask yourself this simple question. Alas, there are many that do. Please know that the below excerpt did not come from me, I did not write it. However, I have given the site it came from for your reference below.…

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Leah and Rachel: A lesson in Marriage

Leah and Rachel’s struggles have much to teach us about being a wife. I want to first explore each woman and her struggle separately and then conclude with how the Lord has used these two women to teach a lesson I did not anticipate. Let’s take our first look at Leah. I think it is…

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Movie Review: When in Rome

Movie Title: When in Rome Rating: PG-13 Director: Mark Steven Johnson Starring: Kristen Bell, Josh Duhamel, Anjelica Huston, Danny DeVito, Will Arnett, Jon Heder, Dax Shepard and Alexis Dziena. Category: Romantic Comedy Moms of Faith Rating: 5 out of 10 Intro: When in Rome was quirky, funny and thankfully cleaner than I thought… Review: While…

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Summer Time and the Living is Easy – 5 Family Activities to Try

The summer months were made for fun and lounging in the sun. This is usually the time when parents take some time off and spend it with their kids creating fun family memories. There are a number of simple activities that families can enjoy without shelling out the big bucks. Five summer Activities to try…

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Picking Your Team Successfully

As a mother and a small business owner, you will probably have people working closely with and for you in the coming years. While you may not be able to afford a full time assistant or hire any permanent staff, chances are you make choices on a daily basis about who you choose to do…

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The Path to Release

It hit me like a ton of bricks. Sitting there in Basic Training, listening to our pastor talk about mercy and forgiveness, I saw that for ten years, I had failed to realize how deeply I was hurting. How my heart was rock hard to the core over things that no longer matter. How I…

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Are you a Single Mom? Create a Single Mom Support Network

When I entered single motherhood instead of trying to embrace friendships I ran from them. I felt isolated and I didn’t think I had the time and energy to really invest in friendships. I was too busy adjusting to being a single mom and juggling all the responsibilities of parenting, household and money management and…

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The Summer Slump – Part 2: Ideas To Boost Business in the Summer

<–click here for part one Kids are everywhere. Customers are nowhere. What’s a business owner to do to keep making ends meet over the summer and please the family at the same time? Planning for these summer slumps and using them to your advantage can change the way your business –and family—runs over the summer.…

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