Welcome to Moms of Faith!
Beyond the Pews: Motherhood with Grit and Grace
Challenging Church Norms. Embracing Authentic Grace.
Moms of Faith has had a complete rebrand. This isn't your grandma's Christian mom group. Here, we're shattering stereotypes and challenging the status quo. We're diving deep, questioning old norms, and getting real about the church's shortcomings. Because faith should empower, not constrain. Let's build a faith that fits our real, messy, modern lives and confront the 'cult-like' vibes head-on. Let's redefine what it means to be a Christian mom.
On the Blog...
New Feature: Book Club!
I thought it would be nice to start a book club here at Moms of Faith. I think it is a great opportunity to help Christian Moms connect, participate in common interests, build relationships, chat, and spend time sharing with one another. For our first selection I will choose. However, after that I am open…
Keep Reading...Faith and Business 101: Blogging for Small Business
My business has recently been putting together a series of webinars to help moms in Small Business. Last night our webinar was called Blogging for Small Business. If you had a chance to join us, I think we all learned a lot and took away some great tips for making our blogs even better and…
Keep Reading...Sherlock Holmes – Movie Review
Movie Title: Sherlock Holmes Rating: PG-13 Director: Guy Ritchie Staring: Robert Downey Jr.; Jude Law; Rachel McAdams; Mark Strong; Eddie Marsan Category: Drama, Mystery/Suspense Moms of Faith Rating: 5 out of 10 Intro: Normally, this type of movie would probably be near the bottom of my “got to see” list. However, I am a huge…
Keep Reading...Woe Is Me… and Let’s Be Grateful
Well, let’s face it. We all have those “woe is me” days, don’t we? And we are all entitled to them while traveling through the various stages of our journey of “this life.” I was having one of those days just last week…as I was thinking, “All I do is work!” Ha!! Yes, was feeling a bit…
Keep Reading...Faith and Business 101: He Who Began a Good Work…
Hi Moms of Faith readers! I’m glad to be back after a short break last week. I have literally been working around the clock on a deadline for my publisher (I wrote a new little inspirational book of New Year’s resolutions for Christians) and a complete website overhaul in time for our new ad that…
Keep Reading...7 Reusing Paper Tips for Young Children
For those of you that have toddlers or young children the issue of using paper to draw on has most likely come up. How can we let our kids enjoy coloring without feeling like we are allowing the waste of paper and the over killing of trees? Well, by being creative, coming up with ways…
Keep Reading...Get Prepared and Spend Quality Time With Your Family
Once upon a time four years ago pre mommy-hood I had more hours in the day than I needed. Rarely was I stressed about grocery shopping, laundry, or errands in general. Life was carefree and many evenings were spent browsing bookstores, attending art events, and enjoying the city I lived in. Much has changed in…
Keep Reading...Thrifty Craft Supplies That Spark Imagination
By: Andrea Bullock A healthy stash of craft supplies can make the rainiest of days seem sunny summer play days for kids of all ages. Yes, the big kids in the world enjoy doing all manner of crafts as well. The problem is that craft supplies do not necessarily run on the cheap side. If…
Keep Reading...Faith and Business 101: A Leap of Faith
It’s amazing to me how God reinforces whatever He’s teaching me at the moment in so many ways: through people, through my devotions, through His Word. It’s true that if we listen for His “still small voice” He can be heard above the clatter of daily life. This was part of my devotions this morning:…
Keep Reading...Family Project to Decrease Attitude and Increase Graditude
A home filled with children is sure to have its share of snide comments, complaints, whines, insults, and disruptions. My children are not perfect. Each have done their share of complaining, whining and sadly insulting one another. Children are egocentric so they rarely think of how their words affect another person. However, if this behavior…
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