Welcome to Moms of Faith!
Beyond the Pews: Motherhood with Grit and Grace
Challenging Church Norms. Embracing Authentic Grace.
Moms of Faith has had a complete rebrand. This isn't your grandma's Christian mom group. Here, we're shattering stereotypes and challenging the status quo. We're diving deep, questioning old norms, and getting real about the church's shortcomings. Because faith should empower, not constrain. Let's build a faith that fits our real, messy, modern lives and confront the 'cult-like' vibes head-on. Let's redefine what it means to be a Christian mom.
On the Blog...
Better Than Yourself
Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 2:3-5 This is an immensely…
Keep Reading...20 Quick and Handy iPad 2 Tips
Even with its hefty price tag of $499 for a base model, it hasn’t discouraged people from buying it. If you’re a new owner to an iPad 2, here are some helpful tips. 20 iPad 2 Tips 1. Scrolling to the Top If you’re at the middle or bottom of a website, you can scroll…
Keep Reading...Mom! I’m Bored!
The Moms of Faith Handbook for Moments of Boredom (part 2)! You are not going to believe this. This week has been an interesting trip. One I never expected to venture on when I proposed the notion to “send me all your ideas” about what to do when you hear your kids complain, “Mom! I’m…
Keep Reading...Faith and Business 101: Turning Rejection into Motivation
Rejection….how it stings, hurts, and smarts. No one likes rejection, no one likes criticism. I’m especially hyper sensitive to it, always have been. Though I’ve always loved writing since I learned how to form letters with a pencil, I’ve never been able to take rejection, or even constructive criticism very well–especially when it comes to…
Keep Reading...7 Ways to Help Your Kids Learn about Creation
In my early years homeschooling, I found it very challenging to teach my daughter the Biblical Truth of how the world was created. The reason it was so difficult was because just about every place you go that deals with nature, talks about evolution and evolving. I had to be very creative and constantly reiterate…
Keep Reading...My Sin Story…
I wanted to share a very personal story with you from my other blog… I anguished over writing this post. I was afraid of being judged, losing readers or even worse–causing a sister to stumble. Once I came to terms with the fact that God was not going to stop nagging me to write it,…
Keep Reading...Mom Alert: How to Identify, Treat and Prevent Head Lice
If you have a child in school or in day care, then head lice will be a concern for any parent. Head lice are commonly found in girls more often than boys because girls have longer hair. It’s a myth that a child will get lice if their hair is dirty. Lice has a better…
Keep Reading...Mom’s Handbook for Boredom
Finally! It’s January 3, 2012. Do you know what that means?… Yes, it’s back.to.school! Yeah! The Christmas break is OVer and time to return to the routine of school days! Can all you moms (and dads) out there say “YIPEEEE!” So, let me ask you a question: Did you hear your children complain while home…
Keep Reading...Faith and Business 101: 20 New Year Business Quotes
Here are 20 quotes to motivate, inspire and help you to reflect on the year’s past. I hope these quotes challenge your thinking and help you take action for your business, so you can improve and find bigger successes in the New Year. 1. “It wouldn’t be New Year’s if I didn’t have regrets.” William…
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