Moms of Faith

Welcome to Moms of Faith!

Beyond the Pews: Motherhood with Grit and Grace

Challenging Church Norms. Embracing Authentic Grace.

Moms of Faith has had a complete rebrand. This isn't your grandma's Christian mom group. Here, we're shattering stereotypes and challenging the status quo. We're diving deep, questioning old norms, and getting real about the church's shortcomings. Because faith should empower, not constrain. Let's build a faith that fits our real, messy, modern lives and confront the 'cult-like' vibes head-on. Let's redefine what it means to be a Christian mom.

On the Blog...

Week Three

OK, still did not do everything I wanted…however, I did work out two days and manage to lose 1 pound! LOL! I drank lots of water and did wii fit for about 20 minutes two days. I also ate well for the first part of my week, but slipped just before the finish line. LOL!…

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Helping Children Excel in School

Academic success is important in a child’s life as it can help to shape the future. There are many things you can do to help your child or children succeed and they all start at home. Keep track of your child’s school activities, set up a consistent routine and ensuring that they have enough rest…

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Cuisinart EM-200 Programmable Espresso Maker

Where to buy: If you love specialty coffees and would like to save money in the long run by making them at home, then the Cuisinart EM-200 Programmable Espresso Maker is a good investment. You can treat yourself to delicious and perfect lattes, cappuccinos or even a sip of espresso to keep you going.…

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Encourage Hospitality in Your Home

Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang…

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Seeking Wisdom

Proverbs 3:13-15 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Any…

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Week Two

If you want more info on what this is, my plan, past weeks, etc, click here. :) BAH! I was a COMPLETE failure last week. :( I did not drink my water correctly, I ate like I had a tape worm and I never ever touched my Wii Fit. :( I feel terrible…I am sorry…

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Stress Busters for Christian Women

I believe that just being a woman is a gift. We are such wonderful unique creatures. God really outdid Himself when He created us! We have spirit, beauty, patience, abilities, time-management, multi-tasking abilities and humor like no other. However, being a Christian woman can also come with large amounts of stress. All women have stress.…

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Getting Back into the “Back to School” Groove

Soon, school bells will be ringing and it will be time for children to head back to school. If you’re wondering about how to get a good routine going, consider the following ideas to help you create your own. Once you have a routine in place, the chance your family will be able to start…

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4 Yummy Labor Day Recipes

Labor Day is right around the corner! What better way to celebrate the end of summer, and the working man than to make a delicious spread with these yummylicious recipes! I have included a great beverage to cool you and your guests off, a side, main course and dessert! Let me know what ya’ll think!…

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Fighting the PMS Monster!

There is nothing worse than being a woman going through PMS…or being WITH a woman going through PMS! LOL!!! PMS affects 80 to 90 percent of menstruating women. It is more than just the humorous “mood swing” joked about. PMS has serious symptoms including headaches, back pain, swollen and tender breasts, increased anxiety, bloating, acne…

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