Posts Tagged ‘Advent’
The Nail
Gospel Reading – John 1:6-8, 26-28 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; He came only as a witness to the light.” “I baptize with water,” John replied,…
Keep Reading...Waiting for Christmas
Anticipation. Anticipay… yay… tion! Ohhhhh, it’s making me wait! Carly Simon. What a song! Can you hear it? Wait, I’ll sing it for you again: “Anticipation, it’s keeping me waiy… yay… yay… yai-ai-ting!” (Oooops! Too loud? Here comes Dan. He’s heard enough!) But not me! I LOVE this song. Sure, I know it is not…
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