Posts Tagged ‘All Moms’
Heart Failure and Kony 2012
“Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.” – Francis Chan Earlier this week, I saw this quote come across Facebook. Did you? Then, a few days later, I came across the viral video from a social media movement concerning the Invisible Children called…
Keep Reading...Spring Sports and Sneakers
Sneakers. Who knew a sneaker could come so specialized? Today, I was educated in the art of sneakers from a very knowledgeable salesperson named “Amy” at the Runners Retreat. Not much older than Violet (who just turned 12, remember?), Amy was impressive with her knowledge of running shoes. From training shoes to competitive footwear, we…
Keep Reading...Chef Boyardeelicious
There are days when life gets so busy and chaotic that when my family starts asking “What’s for Dinner?”, I want to run and hide! I am sure all my Mom friends out there can relate! Sure, we love to cook a healthy, homemade meal for our families. However, sometimes a quick and easy approach…
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