20 Tips To Burglar Proof Your Home

If your home has ever been burglarized, you know that awful feeling you get in the pit of your stomach. You feel violated that someone has come into your home and gone through your personal space. Here are 20 tips on safe proofing your home from burglars 1. Flyers and Junk Mail If you’re not…

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Levi’s Fan Club

When Your Six Year Old Has a Fan Club… Recently, I was returning home from the bus stop with our three school age children.  Ours is a remote neighborhood; which means that the school bus drops off a load of children about a mile from our house.  Plus, our house is up a private lane…

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75+ Hobby Ideas

A hobby is defined as an activity you enjoy doing for relaxation or self-fulfillment. There are thousands of hobbies you can do on your own or with a group of people. Finding a hobby enriches people’s lives. Can you imagine if no one did anything out of their every day jobs? Our life span would…

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