Forget Perfection

While looking for balance there has been a recurring theme that keeps popping up. Namely no matter how nicely your schedule looks on paper, or how you envision your goals falling into line and happening perfectly, this will not happen. I used to think that if a situation couldn’t play out how I wanted it…

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Faith and Business 101: Getting a Game Plan

In the past weeks in both this and my Sippy Cups to Separation column I have been talking about finding balance in life. This week I want to talk about practical ways to actually achieve this. Having a goal is always a good idea, but just simply stating the goal “I want to have balance…

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Looking to the Proverbs 31 Woman

In my latest Faith and Business 101 column I talked about my search for balance this year and the things I’m doing to help find it in my life. The thing about seeking balance and straightening out priorities is that it affects all areas of my life-not just the part where I’m a work at…

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