Foods that Help Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer

There are a wide variety of foods to eat to help reduce the risk of getting breast cancer. Equally important is engaging in a regular exercise regimen, maintaining a healthy body weight, and building a stronger immune system. It is important for our bodies to be in a balanced alkaline-acidic environment. Natural food health experts…

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6 Common Ingredients in Food that Can Cause Breast Cancer

Are the foods we eat causing more breast cancer development in women? Why do some women get breast cancer and some don’t? There are some truths to it if you have a family history that you’re more susceptible, but we know that is not always the case. Back in the 1960s, 1 in 20 women…

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Avoiding Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer begins when malignant cells develop in the tissue of the breast. The mere thought of breast cancer is every woman’s nightmare. It is the one area, we as women, can all come together and help each other stay informed. While there is no cure…yet. There are ways…

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