Posts Tagged ‘Diet’
Moms of Faith Get Fit Challenge! (intro)
I recently received Wii Fit as a gift and I thought it might be worth a shot! LOL! I started a website last year to help me lose weight. However, it got too hard to keep up with it AND all my other activities. However, I HAVE kept off all the weight I lost during…
Keep Reading...Time to Take Care of You
Motherhood is the biggest blessing in my life. I never imagined that having a child would give me so much joy! Although motherhood gives me great joy I would be lying if I said there weren’t times I wasn’t stressed. As a single mother I’ve learned that it is important to distress from parenting. Since…
Keep Reading...Tuesday’s Mommy Tip – Cutting Unhealthy Calories
Do you have a great tip for Moms? They can be about anything (family friendly, of course) that pertains to a Mom’s life, including; beauty, kitchen, health, parenting, and so much more! Click Here to find out how YOU can join Moms of Faith’s Tuesday’s Mommy Tips! NOTE: PLEASE read the rules. We have a…
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