Teach Children to Nourish Their Temple

Children are remarkable imitators. They are constantly observing and absorbing our every move. Christian Parents have a huge responsibility to be good role models in their children’s lives. They will pick up both our good and bad habits. One of the most important life lessons that you can teach your child is how to take…

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The Perfect Combination

Diet and exercise. We hear it on TV, in magazines, from friends, family, and our doctor. We hear it all the time. If you want to lose weight or just lead a healthy life, you need to combine diet and exercise. Well, the reason we hear it all the time is because it’s true! It’s…

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Sugar is Bad for Health

Who doesn’t like the taste of sugar? Many foods, today, are loaded with sugar, sometimes you can’t even taste the sugar but it’s still in there. As delicious as sugar-laden foods may taste, the truth is sugar is bad news for your health and body. Sugar and Your Health Sugar is a sticky substance. If…

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