Doors Unlocked

As I have said before, being a mom means wearing several different hats. When you are the mother (or parent, dads can wear many hats too!) of a special needs child your hat wardrobe expands even more! I know that after the smoke settled with Caleb’s illness, I had to take on new roles that…

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What Can I Say?

Words are powerful. They can brighten someone’s day, give them a purpose in life, or bring them back from despair. They can also cut a person to shreds. Once spoken, these words can never be taken back or forgotten. No matter how many “I’m sorrys” you offer, the damage is done. I have often been…

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Rejoice In The Storms

When I began writing for this column I knew that some of the topics would be emotionally difficult for me. This journey I am on is full of ups and downs, smiles and tears. The main focal point was going to be on being the parent of a special needs child. That is mostly true,…

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