Holy Boldness Batman!!

“You’re too little to be in school!”  “Hey SHORTIE!”  “Angie, why don’t you stand up?  Oh, YOU ARE!”  “Babies can’t go to school!”  “Why are you so small?” Here’s a good one:  “ANTgie!  ANTgie!  You’re not taller than an ANT!gie!”  “Should we step on her?” Those are just a few of the many jeers I…

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Excuse me, can I tell you something?

“MOM!  I’m hungry!  MOM! I can’t find my purple t-shirt!  MOM! The dog stinks!  MOM! Where is my new F16 fighter jet?  MOM! What’s for dinner!  MOM! I don’t like tilapia…  again!  MOM! I need $7.14 for 5th Grade Recorder Class!  MOM! Will you wipe my butt?” Oh gross, right?  But seriously, how many “MOMs!”…

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12,966! Are You Serious?

Take a moment and consider this number: 12,966! Although I wish I could say this is the amount of money in our savings account… Or, perhaps, the number of sit-ups/swim laps/jumping jacks I finished at the gym. No… Maybe it could be the number of meals, we as moms prepare. No… Or, the loads of…

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