Take a Rest!

“I have so much to do today, I think I’ll take a nap.” As a single, full-time mom who is also self-employed, I’m not going to deny it, there is a lot on my plate. Over the years I have become an expert at getting it done. Laundry for tomorrow, cupcakes for a birthday celebration…

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Live, Love, Laugh!

Live, Love, Laugh! -- {3 Benefits of Laughter}

Why did the goose cross the road? Because it was the chicken’s day off! Did that dumb joke make you smile? Good! It’s healthy to laugh and smile! Laughter promotes satisfaction with our lives. The Bible tells us a merry heart is like good medicine (Proverbs 17:22). Science has proven that when people laugh, endorphins …

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15 Ways to Exercise with a Busy Mom Schedule

15 Ways to Exercise with a Busy Mom Schedule

Incorporating exercise into an already busy mom schedule is tough for many. For some, it’s just not a priority, but in essence, it should be. I know what it is like to be a busy mom with a to-do list that never seems to be completely checked off at the end of each day! I…

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