Levi’s Fan Club

When Your Six Year Old Has a Fan Club… Recently, I was returning home from the bus stop with our three school age children.  Ours is a remote neighborhood; which means that the school bus drops off a load of children about a mile from our house.  Plus, our house is up a private lane…

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Tree Traditions

“Oh Christmas Tree!  Oooooh Christmas Tree!” This weekend found the Hott House in a bustle!  With plenty of Thanksgiving leftovers still in the fridge, our oldest “Hott-ling” Caity began leaving subtle hints to put up the Christmas tree.  (Well, about as subtle as dropping a bomb, that is!) For an unusually warm fall day, Caity…

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Heartfelt Thanks

Sometimes something so unexpected happens that I find that I need to pinch myself to see if I am dreaming.  Sunday service last week began with the usual program of hymns, announcements, choir, and prayer  –  pretty much like any other given Sunday at church.  I never imagined that what occurred this particular Sunday would…

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